
Bearded Dragon Care

Bearded dragons, celebrated for their ease of care and approachability, rank among the top choices for reptile enthusiasts, especially beginners. Known for their manageable size, distinctive behavior of puffing out their “beards,” and surprisingly affectionate nature, these reptiles make fascinating companions. Whether you’re drawn by their charm or curious about their dietary mix of plants and insects, learning how to cater to their needs is essential. Dive into our comprehensive guide on ‘Bearded Dragon Care’ to ensure your scaly friend thrives in its new home, exploring everything from ideal terrarium setups to their unique nutritional requirements. This guide is packed with expert advice tailored to help both novice and seasoned reptile owners alike.

Did you know that bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptiles? They’re quite easy to care for, which means that they are suitable for first-time reptile owners. Unlike many other reptiles, they don’t get too big: the average adult beardie is about two feet long. You won’t have to worry about getting a huge enclosure. And while all beardies are unique, many of these guys are also naturally friendly. In fact, some are quite affectionate, which is rather unusual for reptiles. These little lizards are also quite cute and charming. Plus, they’re fairly easy to keep, which makes them a good match for first-time reptile owners. A local Live Oak, FL vet goes over some of the basics of beardie care in this article.

Bearded Dragon Basics

The Bearded dragon is native to central Australia. These guys usually live about 8 to 10 years, with good care. That’s a fairly significant commitment, so be sure to think carefully before adopting.

Beardies are generally a sort of sandy color. This helps them blend into their native environment. Some, however, may be yellow or orange.

Wondering where these cute reptiles got their name? When they are scared, they flare out the skin under their chins, which will make them look like they have a beard.

What Should I Feed A Bearded Dragon?

These lovable lizards are omnivores, so they eat both plants and insects. Though the bugs will make up the majority of your pet’s menu, the proportions and feeding schedules will change over time. Younger dragons need more insects to provide protein for their growing bodies, while adults can eat more produce and fewer bugs. So, while a juvenile may eat as many as 60 crickets daily, adults may only need whatever they can eat in about 15 minutes.

Insects: For creepy-crawlies, you can feed your lizard buddy Dubia roaches, crickets, butterworms, hornworms, wasps, elder bugs, or mealworms. (It’s worth noting that a beardie may not be the best option for someone with a weak stomach for bugs.) Only offer store-bought insects, as wild bugs could be contaminated by pesticides, and/or could potentially be carrying parasites or diseases. You’ll have to dust your tiny dinosaur’s bugs with nutritional powder before they become his lunch. This is called gut-loading, and ensures that the reptile is getting proper nutrition. Remove uneaten bugs within a few hours, as they can bite.

Produce: Your reptilian buddy can also eat certain fruits and veggies. Ask your vet for specific recommendations. Offer your pet lizard a lot of green leafy veggies, such as dandelion, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, cabbage, parsley, and endive. Bearded dragons can also have certain yellow, red, and orange veggies, such as bell peppers, carrots, red tomatoes, and butternut squash. Many herbs, such as mint and sage, are also safe.

Fruits are fine in small portions, and make good treats. Don’t go overboard here, though, as they are high in sugar. Strawberries, grapes, tomatoes, peaches, figs, dates, and apricots are good options. Be sure to wash the produce before handing it over!

If you’re concerned about your bearded dragon’s diet or need help with managing its weight, consider our Vet Nutrition & Weight Management service. Regular consultations with your vet are crucial to keep up with your bearded dragon’s changing nutritional needs.

Flowers: Your lizard pal can also eat flowers. Dandelions, roses, carnations, and geraniums are all fine. Not all flowers are safe, so be sure to do some research before offering them to your little dinosaur. Also, don’t give your beardie any flowers that have been treated with pesticides.

Water: Dehydration can be an issue with bearded dragons. Make sure your reptilian friend always has fresh water. Your beardie will also benefit from regular soaks.

Your bearded dragon’s nutritional needs will change over time. Consult your vet regularly.

Picking Out A Bearded Dragon’s Terrarium

The size habitat you need will really depend on how big your little dinosaur is. A baby beardie should have at least a 20-gallon terrarium. However, these guys grow fast, so you may want to go ahead and get a 40-gallon one. A full-grown dragon will need at least a 70-gallon habitat. That’s quite large, so that is something to think about before adopting one of these pretty lizards. As far as dimensions, the cage should be more long and wide than it is tall. For substrate, you can use newspaper, butcher paper, or reptile carpet. If you use paper, you’ll need to change it daily. Sand is an option for adults, but we wouldn’t recommend sand substrates for young dragons. Baby lizards can swallow the particles. That can lead to intestinal blockages, which can be fatal. Ask your Live Oak, FL vet for specific advice.

Temperature Parameters For Bearded Dragon Habitats

Like most other reptiles, bearded dragons have very specific requirements as far as temperature needs. These little dinosaurs regulate their internal temperature by moving from hot to cool areas and back, so you’ll have to set the terrarium up in a way that creates different temperature zones, or gradients. The warmer end of the habitat should be around 95 to 105F. The cooler end can be around 85. The entire habitat can be cooler at night.

You’ll need to check these temperatures a few times a day, which will require you to get a few good thermometers. Pick one that includes a hygrometer so you can check humidity as well.

What Accessories Does My Bearded Dragon Need?

Your beardie will need some furniture and accessories. A basking spot is a must! Some of the things you can use include driftwood, large rocks, or even grape vines. Whatever you pick, choose something sturdy. You don’t want it falling over on your pet dragon! Plants are also a good option. Just keep in mind that beardies sometimes eat real ones. Take care not to add anything that could be toxic. You’ll also want to provide at least one hide.

Don’t forget dinnerware! We would recommend choosing shallow bowls for your pet’s dishes. This is extremely important with baby lizards, as they can drown in deep bowls. The bowls should be in the cooler end of the terrarium, so the food doesn’t spoil as quickly.

Heat/Lighting For Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons require full-spectrum lighting. UVB light is crucial for these guys, as without it, they cannot properly process calcium or vitamin D. This can lead to severe health issues. One of the most concerning is metabolic bone disease, or MBD, which is debilitating and very painful.

In the wild, bearded dragons get their UVB from sunlight. Your pet will live indoors, so you’ll need to get special bulbs.

There are a few things to consider here. Young beardies may need stronger bulbs than adults, so you’ll want to check with your vet regularly. The lights should also be set on a timed, 12-hour cycle.

Proper setup is also important. Fluorescent bulbs should be at least a foot away from your dragon. Otherwise, your reptilian pal could get burnt!

Finally, be sure to replace the bulbs regularly. Because of the way these wear out, they sometimes lose significant power before you notice anything different.

What Are The Signs Of Sickness in Beardies?

Bearded dragons usually tend to be hardy and healthy, as long as they are getting proper care. However, like any other pet, they are susceptible to illness and injury. It’s important to pay attention to your beardie, and watch for signs that something is amiss.

Here are a few of the most common red flags to watch for:

  • Lack Of Appetite
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Unusual Movements Or Posture
  • Trouble Walking
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Incomplete Sheds
  • Weight/Composition Changes
  • Stiffness/Weakness
  • Tail Kinks
  • Hanging Jaws
  • Discoloration
  • Lethargy
  • Sunken Eyes
  • Limping
  • Lesions

Contact your vet immediately if you notice any of these things.

Conclusion: Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptiles, and it’s not too hard to see why. Beardies are really cute! They sometimes beg for attention, and sometimes enjoy going for walks. However, they do need specific care. If you’re considering other pets, such as hedgehogs, make sure to check out our article on “Hedgehog Care Tips” for more helpful advice. Talk to your Live Oak, FL vet before adopting one.

Essential Bearded Dragon Care in 2024: Temperature, Humidity, Lighting, and Habitat Maintenance

What specific temperature ranges are needed in a bearded dragon’s habitat?

Bearded dragons require carefully managed temperature gradients in their habitats to maintain their health. The warmer end of their enclosure should be between 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit to facilitate basking. The cooler end should be maintained at around 85 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, the entire habitat can be cooler. It’s essential to monitor these temperatures frequently using reliable thermometers and hygrometers to ensure the environment remains within these critical ranges, providing the necessary heat and light to support their physiological needs.

What humidity levels are required for bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons thrive in a habitat with controlled humidity, ideally kept between 30% to 40%. This level supports their health and replicates their arid natural environment. Too high humidity can lead to respiratory issues and skin infections, while too low levels might cause dehydration. To accurately maintain and monitor these conditions, it’s essential to use a reliable hygrometer within the terrarium. Regular checks will ensure that the environment remains within the optimal range for the dragon’s well-being.

What specific UVB lighting requirements do bearded dragons have?

Bearded dragons require full-spectrum UVB lighting to properly process calcium and vitamin D, essential for preventing metabolic bone disease. In captivity, special fluorescent bulbs should be used to mimic the natural sunlight they would receive in the wild. These bulbs should be placed at least a foot away from the dragon to avoid burns and should be on a timed 12-hour cycle to provide a consistent light pattern. It’s important to replace these bulbs regularly, as they can lose effectiveness before they physically burn out.

What vitamin supplements are needed for bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons require vitamin supplements to maintain optimal health, particularly calcium and vitamin D3, essential for preventing metabolic bone disease. These supplements should be administered by dusting their food, specifically the insects they consume. It’s crucial to use a high-quality, reptile-specific nutritional powder. Additionally, ensure that the UVB lighting in their habitat is adequate, as this helps them synthesize vitamin D3 naturally. Consult with a veterinarian for specific recommendations and dosages to tailor the supplementation to individual dietary needs and health conditions.

How often should a bearded dragon’s habitat be cleaned?

A bearded dragon’s habitat requires regular cleaning to maintain a healthy environment. The substrate should be spot-cleaned daily to remove waste and uneaten food. A thorough cleaning, including replacing the substrate and disinfecting the terrarium, should be done at least once a month. For habitats using paper substrates, like newspaper or butcher paper, daily changes are recommended due to their inability to absorb odors and moisture effectively. Ensuring cleanliness helps prevent the development of bacteria and parasites, which can be detrimental to the reptile’s health.

Do you have questions about caring for a bearded dragon? Contact us, your local Live Oak, FL pet hospital, today!

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